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Joyland Forest

Jerry Tong

Updated: Aug 12, 2024

Author: Jerry Tong,

Illustrator: Jerry Tong,

Voice Actor: Angela Mayer,

Audio Editor: Ares Zhou,

1. Beak: noun

The hard, pointed mouthparts of birds, used for eating, drinking, and gathering materials.

2. Predator: noun

An animal that hunts, kills, and feeds on other animals.

3. Chirping: verb

The high-pitched, musical sound made by birds or insects.

4. Commotion: noun

A noisy and chaotic disturbance or activity.

5. Elegant: adjective

Graceful, stylish, and tasteful in appearance or behavior.

6. Disturb: verb

To interrupt or intrude upon someone or something, causing a disruption or inconvenience.

7. Dangerous: adjective

Full of risk or potential harm; likely to cause injury, damage, or loss.

8. Trembling: verb

Shaking or quivering involuntarily, usually due to fear, cold, or excitement.

9. Ray: noun

Beams of light that radiate or extend from a central source.

10. Flock: noun

A group of birds, sheep, or other animals that gather or move together.

11. Flapping: noun or verb

The act of repeatedly moving wings or other flexible parts back and forth, usually creating a clapping or fluttering sound.

12. Eavesdrop: verb

To listen secretly to a conversation or private discussion without the knowledge or consent of the speakers.

13. Journey: noun

A long trip or travel from one place to another.

14. Thrilled: adjective

Extremely excited, delighted, or enthusiastic about something

15. Injured: adjective

Harm or damage caused to the body, usually resulting in physical pain, impairment, or wounds.

16. Awe: noun

A feeling of reverential respect, mixed with fear or wonder, inspired by something impressive, magnificent, or extraordinary.

17. Violent: adjective

Characterized by strong, intense, or aggressive force; involving physical or emotional harm or destruction.

18. Cawing: verb or noun

The harsh, repetitive sound made by crows or certain other birds.

19. Disobey: verb

To refuse to follow or adhere to rules, commands, or instructions; to act against authority or directives.

Reading comprehension questions for the story:

  1. Who are the members of the bird family in Joyland Forest?

  2. What do the birds do every morning before searching for breakfast?

  3. Where does Mama take Sunny and Tweety after they are full?

  4. What do the birds see and hear while playing in the forest?

  5. Why does Sunny become interested in the bird making a movie?

  6. Why does Sunny's dad initially refuse the director's offer?

  7. What does Sunny decide to do after her parents decline the movie opportunity?

  8. What happens to Sunny during her journey to Birdywood?

  9. How does Sunny's appearance change after being caught in the storm?

  10. What is the girl's initial reaction when she sees Sunny?

  11. How does the girl's father respond to Sunny's presence?

  12. What lesson does Sunny learn from her experience and the support of her family?

  13. What do Sunny's parents say to comfort her after returning home?

  14. Why does Sunny feel happy and content at the end of the story?

  15. What is the theme of the story?

  16. What is the lesson to be learn?

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